Monday, December 10, 2007

What is your weakest link?

I know we have all heard the expression, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." I have always liked this phrase because of the team metaphor that it implies. I never thought about how it might apply to an individual until I read Daniel Negraneau's blog entry today on attending the funeral of Chip Reese.

Here is one of the stories that one of the speakers said at Chip's funeral. It was Chip himself who said it to him when asked why he plays with the best in the world. Chip said, “When they are on their A game they are all fantastic players, some probably better than my A game. The thing is, my D game isn’t much different than my A game.”

Think about that for a moment. There is a lot important information in those words. You are only as good of a player as you are on your worst days. Makes sense. I think being able to control your losses may be more important, or just as important, than being able to maximize your winnings.

I know that is true for me as a poker player, but I think it is also true for people in life. I know this may not be an original theme either, but it got me thinking about it today. Anyone can have a good day. What are you like in the face of adversity? A man is best measured by how he reacts in the face of a challenge, and not when all is going well.

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