Thursday, December 13, 2007

Patience and self-discipline

In Doyle Brunson’s book Super System, Bobby Baldwin writes the chapter on limit hold ‘em. He has a great quote on the ultimate success of limit poker players. “Lack of patience and self-discipline is the downfall of many otherwise technically sound players.” Unfortunately for me (and my bankroll) I fall pray occasionally to the lack of self-discipline. One of my goals is to work on this aspect of my play just as much as my actual play. Right now, my A game is pretty good, but my D game is horrible.

I know that I should never play during, or after drinking. I never drink while playing. Every time I go out for a few beers, I get the urge to play poker. It’s kind of like getting the urge to smoke cigarettes while drinking (although my asthma and age helped me kick this urge long ago). Last night I went out for a few beers to celebrate Twisted Jim’s last day at work (his blog to the right). Naturally I got the urge to play. Naturally I lost. It was a pretty frustrating session. I really didn’t get any cards. Had cowboys cracked by two-pair, two-pair lost to sets, boats lost to higher boats. I should have stopped, but I didn’t. I lost the $180 I won a few days ago, so given the winnings in Vegas, still up for the second part of the year.

The players at the table were horrible. If they were good I probably would have lost a lot more. I think that having my iPod at the table will help me drown out the inane dribble of these ridiculous players and concentrate on the game better.

I have such an urge to play sober poker to get this nasty taste of losing out of my mouth. Patience and self-discipline. I know I can do it. I will never play poker after a night of drinking again.

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