Monday, December 17, 2007

Three straight losing sessions

Variance. It’s what poker players call it when you run into a cold deck. It happens to everyone. I’ve just had three straight losing sessions. Too bad the drunk poker had to be in the middle of it.

In the past three sessions I have lost $365. The good news is that since Vegas in October, and my monthly home game, I am up $310 in the past two months. I was able to find some old records for the year, and I’ve filled in the rest. Since April, I am up $210, and since March I am down $50. Not too bad, but again, not winning.

I was reviewing my records in 2006, and the same thing happened. Of course the opposite happens too, and I can win $600 in 3 days. In 2006 I had more winning sessions that losing ones. That is the key.

The drunk session aside, the other two losing sessions were pretty frustrating. I was concentrating, and thought I played well. Probably only made a couple of mistakes. I was getting no cards, and nothing hit. During the third session, I was actually down $150 and about to call it a day. As I was stacking my chips in a rack, I went on a little run and won about $75, so only ended up down $75 for the session. Runs are possible. They in turn help your table image.

I keep telling my self, it is not the number of pots you win, but the amount of money. The right situation at the right time can net a $100 pot. It’s happened before. It will happen again.

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