Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I played horribly at our monthly game

I think the loose atmosphere and the drinking contributed, but my concentration was clearly off. I misread my hand twice, although it was in my favor and I won the hand both times. But it is poor etiquette and embarrassing to call out the wrong hand. And I missed opportunities to raise. I kept forgetting that the final bet is double. In one high/low game, when I was heads up, I made the huge blunder of going high, when going low would have guaranteed my half the pot.

The buy-in for these games is $40, and I went into the well for another $25. By the end, I was down a total of $25 which isn’t too bad. We again played 3-5-7 guts. It is a match the pot game with a $20 cap. Anyone staying in that loses pays half of the pot to the winner and half to the pot. The pot was about $146 when someone finally won it. Kind of a lottery game that I don’t really like, but it is nice to have the opportunity to win a lot.

The big winner of the night won about $216, and I think the big loser lost about $84. Didn’t get a chance to go to the casino on MLK day, but hope to soon.

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