Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Played Poker Tuesday

So I played poker last Tuesday night and won $180. I actually went into the tank down a 100, so the good news is that I went on a streak of plus $280. I was catching great cards, and then led to a great table image.

I made a couple of bad mistakes. I was a little sick and tired, so didn't realize the 3rd club hit on the turn when I was holding 2 pair. I bet, and got raised. The guy who raised was a pretty tight and straight forward player, and it was obvious he had the nut flush. I wasted 3 bets, when I should have just checked, and had the opportunity to see 2 cards for 1 bet. Another time I made a poor overcall and the guy holding a baby flush raised us both. I was drawing to the nut flsuh but did not hit.

I was in Vegas in Oct. and won $330, so although I am not keeping records right now, I feel I am about even for the year. I am up $165 in my monthly home game.

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