Monday, February 11, 2008

Yes We Can

Amazing what a week in 80 degree weather can do for your spirits. I miss it already. Here it is 20 and snowing. I have this picture as my laptop desktop and if I stare at it long enough, I feel returned.

I did play poker before I left and lost $110. I am up over $100 for the year. Really didn't do anything bad, just wasn't getting cards and was getting drawn out on. But I do feel I am playing more aggressively, especially with hands like AJo early.

Saw this link to the Obama song Yes We Can in Daniel Negraneau's blog. He does seem to inspire people more than anyone else has in a long time. I think that is exactly what this country needs: inspiration and hope. I hope he wins.

In Florida we went looking for dolphins. They ended up following the boat and playing in the wake, and we took this shot. It was pretty amazing.